Advocate Resources

Since 2011, Hope Community Church in Tucson, Arizona, has planned an annual Easter offering dedicated to serve people in need. Each year, Hope selects a general theme for the offering, and in 2018, it was designated for health needs of vulnerable children. GlobalFingerprints was selected to be one of the recipients.

By God’s grace, this congregation of approximately 400 donated more than $95,000, $26,000 of which was given to help GlobalFingerprints meet the medical needs of sponsored children.

Local church partnership is a key vehicle in bringing awareness to GlobalFingerprints sponsorship opportunities.

As a ministry of the Evangelical Free Church of America, we believe GlobalFingerprints helps EFCA churches tangibly express God’s love for the poor and marginalized around the world. If you’d like to become a partner, click the button below to gain access to resources that will equip your church to advocate on behalf of these vulnerable children.

The way your church approaches partnership may not look exactly like the story of Hope Community Church, but we encourage you to connect with your church leaders and begin a conversation about how you can partner with the ministry of GlobalFingerprints.