Transform Lives
Sponsor a Child

The Impact of Sponsorship

How to Sponsor a Child:
4-Step Process

Globalfingerprints Step 1

Step 1

Identify a child

Globalfingerprints Step 2

Step 2

Provide your information

Globalfingerprints Step 4

Step 3

Submit sponsorship

Globalfingerprints Step 5

Step 4

Transform a life

Change a Life for $35/Month

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Senemi’s Story

Senemi was an orphan in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In her native language, her name means “hate me.”

Through GlobalFingerprints, Senemi learned to read and received a Bible. After learning the truth in God’s Word, she came to know Jesus as her Savior and requested to be baptized.

As she came out of the water, a friend called her by name. “Senemi!” But she responded: “No, I am a new person, loved by God. My name is now Koami.” In her language, her new name means “loved one.”

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Mohsin’s Story

Mohsin grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. His father died during Congo’s lengthy civil war. Mohsin and his family lived in poverty, so his mother enrolled him in GlobalFingerprints.

Before the start of his school year, Mohsin seriously fractured his leg, but his mother did not have the money for medical care. When Mohsin didn’t arrive at school, his GlobalFingerprints case worker visited. Finding Mohsin in desperate need, she transported him to a Christian medical center for treatment.

Months later, Mohsin’s mother returned to her homeland to find her family. After seeing the love and care Mohsin received, she wanted him to stay and be raised by Christians in Congo.

Christians adopted Mohsin. Now, he loves Jesus, is finishing school and has plans to be a doctor. God used child sponsorship to transform his life.

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